
people in the station in 2016

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Maarten Loonen Margje de Jong Suzanne Lubbe Steven Radersma Enzo Peres-Labourdette

Maarten Loonen

Netherlands Arctic Station



Margje de Jong

Netherlands Arctic Station


Suzanne Lubbe

Netherlands Arctic Station

field assistant


Steven Radersma

Netherlands Arctic Station



Enzo Peres-Labourdette

Netherlands Arctic Station


Siegfried Woldhek Maarten Siebelink Tom van Hoof Isolde Puts Tinka Murk

Siegfried Woldhek

Netherlands Arctic Station


Maarten Siebelink

Netherlands Arctic Station

field assistant

Tom van Hoof

Netherlands Arctic Station


Isolde Puts

Netherlands Arctic Station

Master Student

Tinka Murk

Netherlands Arctic Station


Miriam Vermeij Marcel Paul Jesse Jorna Danny Hitchcock Willemijn Loonen

Miriam Vermeij

Netherlands Arctic Station

field assistant

Marcel Paul

Netherlands Arctic Station

field assistant

Jesse Jorna

Netherlands Arctic Station

Master student


Danny Hitchcock

Netherlands Arctic Station

Ph.D. Oslo


Willemijn Loonen

Netherlands Arctic Station

field assistant

Martine van den Heuvel-Greve Janwillem Loonen Wenzel Geissler Lydia Messingfeld Oscar Fransner

Martine van den Heuvel-Greve

Netherlands Arctic Station



Janwillem Loonen

Netherlands Arctic Station

Field assistant

Wenzel Geissler

Netherlands Arctic Station



Lydia Messingfeld

Netherlands Arctic Station


Oscar Fransner

Netherlands Arctic Station

field assistant

Esther Kokmeijer

Esther Kokmeijer

Netherlands Arctic Station



For webmaster

Crew of 2016 of the Netherlands Arctic Station
Maarten Loonen2 June- 15 AugUniversity of Groningen station manager
all below
Margje de Jong2 June- 25 JulyUniversity of Groningen Ph.D. student6361
Danny Hitchcock2 June - 14 JulyUniv. OsloPh.D. student10386
Paul Wenzel Geissler9 June -29 JuneUniv. Oslofield assistant6664
Jesse Jorna13 June- 1 AugustUniversity of GroningenMsc student10042
Suzanne Lubbe13-30 JuneUniversity of Groningenfield assistant6362
Kate Layton-Matthews25 July-1 AugustTrondheimPh.D. student6360
Martine van den Heuvel-Greve13 June -23 JuneWageningen URecotoxicology10258
Tinka Murk13 June -23 JuneWageningen URmarine animals10258
Isolde Puts13 June -29 JuneWageningen URfield assistant10258
Oscar Fransner23 June -29 JuneUNISfield assistant10258
Janwillem Loonen11 July- 15 AugDelft universitymaster student6360
Willemijn Loonen11 July-1 Augguestfield assistant6362
Marcel Paul28 July-11 Augguestfield assistant6362
Miriam Vermeij28 July-11 Augguestfield assistant6362
Tom van Hoof25-28 JulyTNOgeologist10558
Maarten Siebelink25-28 JulyTNOgeologist10558
Siegfried Woldhek7-14 Julyartistillustrations6362
Esther Kokmeijer9-14 Julyartistphotography6362
Enzo Peres Labourdette28 July-9 Augartistillustrations6362
Steven Radersma30 June - 7 JulyRTV Noord regional televisionjournalist

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