
people in the station in 2008

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Jelte Rozema

Jelte Rozema

Netherlands Arctic Station



For webmaster

4 August 2008

4 August 2008

With a cancelled flight to Longyearbyen, there is an opportunity to make the second goose catch with Vincent, Emmie and Harro as helpers. Here we are together with some of the geese. From left to right: Maarten Loonen, Kathryn Sisson, Harro Meijer, Emmie de Wit, Simon Herniman, Elise de Jong, Vincent Munster and Janwillem Loonen.
20 July 2008

20 July 2008

The first catch of moulting geese. A picture taken after installing the nets. From left to right on the top: Janwillem Loonen, Elise de Jong, Kathryn Sisson and Vincent Munster. Below Vincent: Anouck Vrouwe. Below: Maarten Loonen.
17 July 2008

17 July 2008

Jasper Doest, Hans Kruijer and Michael Stech are leaving. A picture in front of the reception where the buss will take them to the airport. From left to right: Hans Kruijer, Janwillem Loonen, Maarten Loonen, Elise de Jong, Jasper Doest, Kathryn Sisson and Michael Stech.
9 July 2008

9 July 2008

Next picture is just before departure of Marieke de Vries en Hans Struik. Martijn has left and Janwillem and Elise are part of the new crew. Jasper and Maarten V. are here to take fox pictures. From left to right in front: Marieke de Vries, Maarten van der Voorde, Janwillem Loonen. Second row: Kathryn Sisson, Hans Struik, Jasper Doest, Elise de Jong and Maarten Loonen.
10 June 2008

9 June 2008

This year, the goose crew arrives much earlier than in other years. The station is crowded with five people. From left to right: Maarten loonen, Jelte Rozema, Kathryn Sisson, Martijn Hammers and Stef Weijers.
There is still a lot of snow in front of the station.
7 June 2008

7 June 2008

Last year Lise Fivez (left) was staying at the Netherlands Arctic Station. This year she received a European grant to visit. Together with Katrijn van Renteghem (right) she is staying in the village.
5 June 2008

5 June 2008

The Netherlands Arctic Station is opened by Jelte Rozema and Stef Weijers.
Maarten LoonenNetherlands9 June - 14 AugUniv. Groningen, stationleaderarctic ecology
Kathryn SissonNetherlands9 June - 14 AugUniv. Groningen, assistantgeese, birdhealth
Martijn HammersNetherlands9 June - 7 JulyUniv. Groningen, assistantgeese, birdhealth
Elise de JongNetherlands7 July - 14 AugUniv. Groningen, assistantgeese, birdhealth
Janwillem LoonenNetherlands7 July - 14 AugUniv. Groningen, assistentfoxes, birdhealth
Jelte RozemaNetherlands5 - 12 JuneFree Univ, A'dam, researcherbotany
Stef WeijersNetherlands5 - 12 June
21 Aug - 25 Aug
Free Univ, A' dam, post-docbotany
Kim KleinNetherlands21 Aug - 25 AugFree Univ, A'dam, studentbotany
Jochem VeenboerNetherlands21 Aug - 25 AugFree Univ, A'dam, studentbotany
Lise FivezBelgium16 June-26 JuneUniv. Antwerpnutrient cycling
Harro MeijerNetherlands31 July- 4 AugUniv. Groningenstable isotopes
Andrea GröneNetherlands4 Aug- 11 AugUniv. Utrechtveterinary pathologist
Jasper DoestNetherlands7 July - 17 Julywildlife photographer 
Maarten van der VoordeNetherlands7 July- 14 Julywildlife photographer 
Marco de PaauwNetherlands7 July-14 Julywildlife photographer 

People associated with the station but financed via ARCFAC
Lise FivezBelgium5 June-16 June
7 Aug- 18 Aug
Univ. Antwerpnutrient cyclingNPI/NERC
Katrijn van RenteghemBelgium5 June-16 JuneUniv. Antwerpnutrient cyclingNPI
Patrick MeireBelgium7 Aug- 18 AugUniv. Antwerpnutrient cyclingNERC
Michael StechNetherlands7-17 JulyUniv. Leiden, researcherbryophytes = mossesNERC
Hans KruijerNetherlands7-17 JulyUniv. Leiden, researcherbryophytes = mossesNERC
Vincent MunsterNetherlands14 July - 4 AugUniv. Rotterdam, researcheravian influenzaNERC (NPI)
Emie de WitNetherlands27 July - 4 AugUniv. Rotterdam, assistantavian influenzaNERC (NPI)

People associated with the station financed via other sources:
Anouck VrouweNL17 July - 24 Julyjournalistprevious article
Hans StruikNL3 July - 9 JulyjournalistNOS journaal
Marieke de VriesNL3 July - 9 JulyjournalistNOS journaal

Number of people staying in the Netherlands Arctic Station
232 June 0004444
249 June 5555333
2516 June4444444
2623 June4444333
2730 June3333333
287 July 8777777
2914 July7555444
3021 July4444444
3128 July4445555
324 Aug 4444444
3311 Aug 5440000
3418 Aug 0003333
3525 Aug 3000000
351 Sept 0000000

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