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5 August 2009 10:00

I am a very proud man. Privelaged with the whole Dutch team and especially with my son who is 15 years old and a good helping hand and my wife and daughter, who can cope with me being away and are very supportive. Today, I had an extra reason to be proud. After three years of lobbying and some powerful help from Kings Bay and the Norwegian Polar Institute, Ny-Ålesund has appeared on Google Earth. Inspired by the NASA-team, which used Google Earth for their flight evaluation, I had build my owm kml-file with my own STREETVIEW data. My personal victory was the appearance of my streetview exactly on the streets.

You can download my STREETVIEW in Google Earth on this page.

Don't fortget to look to the [hotspots] and the video's. They will learn you some details behind the scene.

pages with keyword streetview


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20110722, 11:00
fire drill


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20110702, 10:00
walk to breakfast


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20110321, 12:00


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20090805, 10:00


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20090723, 18:30
sewage problems


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20090719, 11:30

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