

20240724 polar bear at brandal

polar bear at brandal


20240724 blue ice

blue ice


20240720 Susanne has birthday

Susanne has birthday


20240722 zodiac rescue

zodiac rescue


20240712 planetology



20240630 collected goslings

collected goslings


20240716 terrestrial laboratory

terrestrial laboratory

The Netherlands Arctic Station

located on Spitsbergen in the northernmost village of the world, managed by the Arctic Centre of the University of Groningen.
Postal address:
NL Arctic Station, P.O.Box 1, N-9173 Ny-Ålesund, Norway
0031 50 7200 449 (Skypein number) or 0047 7902 6852

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visitors today sofar: 




logo of the station sponsor

The two houses in the middle make the station  

tour the website
university of groningen
sees.nl expedition
arctic tern crowdfunding

stories about our activities with photo's and video's
people in the station
background information about a specific theme
management, history, safety, daily life, check lists en sponsors
maps, aerial pictures, inhabitants, webcam, buildings, history, weather, village walk and official website
 sightings and other data
marked barnacle geese, marked foxes and installations
 messages in our log

latest message posted 25-07-2024 at 08:30

Vanochtend om 6:42 een ijsbeer bij ons huisje. Verjaagd en door het meer is de beer achter langs het dorp naar het westen gegaan.
don't show all details below this line
Videos made by the University of Groningen about the largest Dutch polar expedition and a crowdfunding project to study migration of terns
below a random selection of information in this website

Video's about places in Ny-Ålesund as hotspots in STREETVIEW

Click on the picture to start the video, click on the text to go to the location

marine laboratory

nordpol hotellet

dog training

Inhabitants of Ny-Ålesund

Click on a photo for more information about this person,
click here for all inhabitants present.
Tom-Kenneth Wendelborg

Tom-Kenneth Wendelborg

Ingrid Kjerstad

Ingrid Kjerstad



Selection of weblog pages with video's

Click on the picture to see the page with video
20210619, 11:00
arctic explorer
20160613, 13:45
typhoon testing
20200708, 12:00
white whales
20160723, 19:00
tug of war

Latest message from our station log book
Maarten Loonen - Vanochtend om 6:42 een ijsbeer bij ons huisje. Verjaagd en door het meer is de beer achter langs het dorp naar het westen gegaan.

posted 25-07-2024 at 08:30

more entries in the log

Sightings of ringed barnacle geese

Total 1201 sightings of 229 individuals. Most observed is glhv, seen 23 times.

Panorama from Zeppelin mountain

For an actual view click here.


The cowshed

The cowshed

Sverdrup station

Sverdrup station