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8 July 2011 15:00

As station manager, I am responsible for the safety of people who visit the north pole for the first time. Many have no experience with guns and survival. Safety is important for me and I try to keep a good supervision on safety of my pupils.
Today my pride has gone down as I, a Dutch man, had a bicycle accident right in fron of my doorstep. I was carrying a package on my bike, taking a fast turn and lost balance. I was not biking too fast, but the road is full of sharp stones engraving my skin.
What a luck to have Nick Cox He immedeately dropped his business and took care of my wounds, washing them with a TCP solution. And he came to check on me an hour later, making sure that I was well. What a professional!
My glasses miss a leg and there is a wound just 4 mm away from my eye ball but all is well and gets better.

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