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IMAKA newsletters | 30 June 2022 |
IMAKA is a study club for those interested in the polar regions. Old students of our minor programme Arctic and Antarctic Studies (taught in English) produce regular newsletters and organize monthly open lectures on Monday evening 19:30 at the Arctic Centre, Aweg 30 in Groningen (most in Dutch). IMAKA can be found on this website, on facebook and everybody can be placed on our email mailing list. The newsletters are in Dutch, but use translate software for other languages. | |
Bovenstaande nieuwsbrief bekijken in eigen raam: IMAKA news 99 zomer I 2022 Earlier published news letters: IMAKA news 98 spring II 2022 IMAKA news 97 spring 2022 IMAKA news 96 winter II 2021 IMAKA news 95 autumn II 2021 | |
Next is number 100. You will be notified if you subscribe here. |
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