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Gosling experiment in The Netherlands

In 2010, we repeat the 2008 gosling experiment from Spitsbergen, but now in the Netherlands. From sampling goslings during ringing, we know that goslings grow slower in the Netherlands compared to Spitsbergen and also they do have more antibodies in the Neterlands.\ We hypothesize that the goslings encounter more pathogens in The Netherlands while grazing in an area which is grazed by the geese all year round. We can monitor captive goslings intensively and hope to prove ourt hypothesis.
The goslings are collected in the wild population in the Netherlands. This population expands explosively as the fastest increasing breeding bird in the Netherlands. Today the population is of equal size than the Barnacle Goose population on Spitsbergen. We visit de westplaat with Staatsbosbeheer and the Scheelhoek with Natuurmonumenten. In both areas we have to wade in deep water.
For two weeks the goslings stay at the Biological Centre in Haren. They become imprinted and graze daily on the field where the captive group of geese also feeds. Click on the pictures below to start youtube video's.
Right from hatch, the goslings learn to follow Cecilia. Shej is their mother.

Click on the picture above to start a youtube video.

During the weekend the goslings stay during the day in my garden.

Click on the picture above to start a youtube video.

Below pages from 2008 when we had a gosling experiment on Spitsbergen.


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20080807, 16:00
imprinted goslings


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20080803, 20:15
immune activity


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20080801, 20:09


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20080722, 02:35
playing animals


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20080721, 18:18


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20080713, 15:30
gosling care


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20080705, 21:05
mother goose

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