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bird hide

14 July 2018

A check on geese at Gerdøya. This island is usually full of breeding terns, but this year there is an arctic fox and no nests are present. Nevertheless it is also an important moulting site for geese. We make an effort to read rings. Petra sits in the bird hide and Maarten tries to bring the moulting geese close. That proves difficult as the geese swim out from the island and stay far on the fjord. But we have a few rings, sightings of a fox and a reindeer and counted 192 geese.

And just a picture of white bell heather on the tundra, while I wait for the geese to return to the island.

pages with keyword moult


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20060726, 1830
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20060724, 1700
second goose catch


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20060722, 2000
goose catch

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