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Still under construction, but in operation

Streetview allows a virtual walk through Ny-Ålesund, following the street plan.
By clicking on the arrows or the photo's, you proceed 10 meter or turn around your axis. Blue arrows give directions you can take. Double green arrows point to another street you can enter.
There are some long walks:
  to the harbour (click here),
to the beach behind the zeppelin mast (click here),
to the campground (click here),
to the cable cart (click here)
to the red river behind the airport (click here).
All walks go with steps of 10 meters inside the village and 30 meters outside the village.

You can add your comments below the pictures.

I hope to include many video's which show more of life in Ny-Ålesund. You can contribute by placing small video recordings on youtube, which are taken at a certain location. I can link that video to the site e.g. with the new information centre (see here).

Later, maps will help you navigate through town and search capability and hot spot lists will help you jump to interesting features. Video's will make the walk more lively and will point you to interesting features. For the moment you have to walk step by step or jump to the places mentioned above.
