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disappearing fjord ice

24 June 2023

Today the Norwegian Polar Institute shares pictures comparing fjord ice conditions in 2003 and 2023. They show very nicely how things are changing here. I discovered these pictures on facebook in the group Hva skjer a' Ny-Ålesund which linked to the website https://www.npolar.no/nyhet/havis-kongsfjorden/

The red point is on Storholmen, my major study area during the nesting period of the barnacle geese. The black dot is on Juttaholmen, an island we visit less to have a potential comparison of the effects of our visits on the number of nesting birds.

Claus Bech published four pictures of the retreat of Kronebreen along Colletthøgda in the years he was flying from Ny-Ålesund to study arctic terns and kittiwakes.

In 1990, my first fulkl field season I remember that the grey stone to the left of Colletthøgda was just facing out of the ice on the west (left) side and covered by glacier ice from two sides. The map below shows the location of the grey stone and the ice from both sides in the present basemap of Svalbardkartet, which is still using an outdated map from 1990.

A lot of information on climate change, I get from twitter. Zack Labe @Zlabe is my champion and makes a lot of overviews and time trends. For glaciers he posted today the graph below. If you are interested in regular updates have a look at his website: https://zacklabe.com/climate-change-indicators/.

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