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Bear show

19 July 2019

At breakfast, I hear about the news of a polar bear at Thiisbuta. That is the bay, west of town where I would have gone to read rings of a moulting group of barnacle geese. The bear has caught one of the 11 harbour seals which frequently visit the site. Geir Gotaas took the picture, We stayed away. The bear was chased with a flare when it was swimming towards town and turned west.

However it showed up two hours later east of town near the island Prins Heinrichsøya. We have a perfect view on that island and took many pictures. Below some of these.

The bear moves further east and we spend the afternoon on the island Storholmen. At 16:15 there is the last sighting, when the bear is seen on the island Leirholmen.

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20190718, 09:45 20190719, 11:30 20190720, 11:46 all items shown with small pics
departure with music bearshow passing bear

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