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8 July 2019

Already, three nests of arctic terns were surviving close to the dogyard. I was wondering why the fox did not take them. But the terns were very aggressive and alert. Maybe that was enough. Nevertheless, Kristle asked me to put cameras at the nest to document predation. I did expect a fox but the picture proved different and was spectacular. The nest was predated by a glaucous gull. We even know the individual: white ADF with on the other leg even a geolocator. The defence of the terns had been impressive. The terns have drawn blood from the head of the glaucous gull, but the predator persisted and is photographed exactly at the moment of taking the egg. Nature is cruel. Not only for the prey but also for the predator.
I have seen this earlier, but that bird was killed later by a dog when it tried to feed in the dogyard.

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20190707, 12:45 20190708, 06:24 20190711, 18:00 all items shown with small pics
humpback predation hatching tern

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